Are Old Horror Movies Better Than New Ones?

classic horror movies vs new

Movies are a great source of entertainment. Everybody loves watching them, especially horror movies. The horror movie genre has become very popular since the evolution of cinema.

Horror movies give us an element of suspense, thrill as well as excitement. A horror movie is full of mystery and the twist always holds a feeling of fear in the viewer’s mind. Here, we will discuss on the topic, are old horror movies better than new ones?


  1. Background Music

Old horror movies had some serious, breath-taking background music holding audiences on the edge of their seats. It was quite haunting and full of suspense. It brought intensity to the scenes and made the scenes scarier. These movies were very popular for their use of original music.

New horror movies use music to engage the audience and hold them to the scene. Music in these movies is not as creepy and scary as in the older movies. Using technical equipment (such as a DJ controller), new movies still use the old music recorded decades ago but remixing the old version doesn’t encourage creativity.


  1. Monsters V/S Computer Generated Imagery (CGI)

Old movies didn’t have CGI, the artists actually dressed up as ghosts and monsters! The unique selling point of old movies remains “the monsters” (Dracula, Frankenstein’s Monster, the WolfMan, and so many others). The new monsters in every movie made them scarier and the audience loved the creativity.

New horror movies include the use of computer-generated imagery (CGI). New movies are much more technologically advanced. When it comes to horror movies, no matter how finely they use CGI, it just doesn’t look real enough to generate a true fear. Though some gory scenes are scary, it just is not enough. Many of the sets are computer-generated, locations are not real, and filled with poor animation as well as lack of original creation. These factors affect the film making.


  1. Plot and Storyline

Old horror movies were far more intense and scarier. The older movies included intense background scenes, suspenseful music, and a soundtrack. Along with creepy sets, they had two of the most important things– the plot and the storyline. The newness of the story was what audiences loved the most. The credit goes to the scriptwriter as sometimes a good story could turn a bad script.

New movies are somewhat of a “reworked copy” of old movies. The lack of creativity could make the audience uninterested in such movies. The audience always tends to look for something new and creative. Although many of you are big fans of new horror movies, critically speaking, old movies had more interesting, raw and natural stories.


  1. Perception of The Audience

The debate between the two is never-ending. Old and new horror movies are fantastic! Yet, we must keep in mind one thing while comparing the two: the audience. A variety of audiences will always have different opinions. We have a lot of people calling new horror movies better and vice-versa. It’s the audience that decides the faith of a movie.

The fight will go on forever. Critics and audiences keep suggesting that the old horror movies were creatively better and new horror movies are more engaging and detailed. We cannot forget that without the original movies, modern movies would not have survived. It is the old horror movies that inspired new directors to improvise and recreate a horror movie.



There is never a fair conclusion to a debate especially for such topics. Everyone has their own opinion and you cannot force your opinion on someone. As we analyzed the difference between the two, we leave it up to you! We feel the audience is the true judge, movies should receive their due credit from its audience. As per our opinion, we feel old horror movies have a slight edge over the new horror movies.