Kanye West And Gap Partnering For Something Big!

The Chicago Rapper May Be Able To Help Revive The Brand

Kanye west gap deal

In celebration of his self-proclaimed #WESTDAYEVER, Kanye West recently revealed that he’s teaming-up with the Gap brand.

The Chicago rapper is partnering with the fluctuating fashion retailer on a new clothing line dubbed Yeezy Gap (launching in 2021). West is set to lead the creative process, and Mowalola Ogunlesi will step in as Design Director. The brand will strive to create “modern, elevated basics for men, women, and kids at accessible price points.” This is a great direction for both Ye and Gap, giving the public access to West’s creative designs at a reasonable price. This will inevitably bring more traffic to both brands due to its reasonable price, benefitting all parties. 

If you take a look at the specifics of the collaboration, the 10-year deal went into effect towards the end of June. After five years, Yeezy Gap is expected to bring in $1 billion, annually; at this point, there will be an option to renew the contract. Although Gap brought in $4.6 billion in 2019, the company is still experiencing declining sales. With West coming on board, his skill and influence will most likely turn the Gap brand around and push it in the right direction.

It seems as if Ye really wants to turn the brand around; have you seen his recent letter to fans? At the Chicago Gap location, West wrote a handwritten message (now displayed on the store’s large side wall) celebrating the collaboration, reading: “Hi Chicago it’s Ye. This is the GAP store I used to shop at when I would drive my Nissan from the south side. So blessed. I thank God and I am so humbled at the opportunity to serve. I put my heart into the color palette and every detail. I love Tron the original. Do you like stuff? I don’t know what to do with my hands. Love YEEZY.” Since Gap played a big part early on in his life, it’s only right that he gives back to them now. With this 10-year deal, hopefully things turn around for the fashion retailer.

Are you excited for this new collaboration between Kanye West and Gap? What do you hope to see from the new Yeezy Gap line? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section. If you want more music and style content in your life, make sure to check out our Instagram @audiblwav and YouTube channel. On our Instagram, we keep your feed fresh with daily song suggestions, concert videos, music/style news, and more! We also work to provide you with weekly video content on our YouTube channel. Don’t miss out, tap the links above.